10 War Films that Describe My Life
I did my duty. I was asked to write a blog entry by my wife, who just happens to be the producer of The Girl Who Wore Freedom, and I did it. Didn’t have to, but I did. But we ...
The 10 Best WWII Movies
I have been asked to write a blog entry. By the producer of The Girl Who Wore Freedom. Who happens to be my wife. I do not have to do what the producer asks me to do because I do ...
What is Post Production?
We get many questions from people that find their way to our website or one of our social media sites. One common question is “Why are you always fundraising?” The answer to the last question is there is still so ...
320th on Omaha Beach
Did you know that balloons were a crucial part of the Allies’ D-Day strategy? The 320th Very Low Altitude (VLA) barrage balloon battalion was responsible for deploying the blimps on Utah and Omaha Beaches. It was the only African-American balloon ...
Forgotten Letters Under A Floorboard, pt. 2
This is part 2 of 2, told from the perspective of Christian Taylor, director of The Girl Who Wore Freedom. If you haven't heard Jean-Marie's story, go back and read part 1 first. In September of 2017, I traveled to ...
Forgotten Letters Under A Floorboard, pt. 1
Jean-Marie Caillard is cast member, friend of the film and native son of Normandy, France. He embodies the spirit of the Normandy people, continually sharing their history to ensure the memories and stories of the liberation are not lost. This ...
A Lesson on Light
“How do I know what’s bad light, and what’s good light?” I asked. I was in a conversation with a photographer I admired. As a young teenager new to the industry, I needed some seasoned advice. “In photography, there is ...
Trapped: Baseball and the Enduring Scars of War
He was nothing special, a typical ball player getting ready on the field. A third baseman. He was 29. It was a special All-American summer day. It was the Fourth of July 1949. The Brooklyn Dodgers were playing a doubleheader ...
Waiting for Love
Our final story of a soldier in love is a little different than our previous two. Both Bernie Nygard and Allen Hopper were married men writing home to their wives and family. According to a New York Times article: “In ...
My Dearest Daughter Patti
Our next story of a soldier in love comes to us from Mike Strasberg. Mike went to high school with our own Christian Taylor at The Stony Brook School. After learning about The Girl Who Wore Freedom, Mike was inspired ...