This content was originally posted in BORN TO RUN! as “BLOGGING THOUGHTS ABOUT VETERAN’S DAY 2018-2019” and has been reposted with the author’s permission.
I worked out this blog entry while jogging my 3 miles for the day. Though, now sitting here before the page, thoughts aren’t falling in place as smoothly as I’d like. Nonetheless, I think it’s safe to say, “The Girl Who Wore Freedom” documentary may change my life forever. Assisting my daughter, Christian Taylor, at the Peoria Honors Flight Breakfast this year has challenged me to rethink how important it is to comprehend how loudly the vast effects WWII resound into our generation today.
This morning a line from Shakespeare’s, “Julius Caesar,” came to mind. In his eulogy to Caesar, Marc Antony said, “…The evil that men do lives after them. The good is often interred with their bones.” Certainly, history has embodied some truly evil human beings. So, how do we, individually and collectively, ensure the good we all know occurred during WWII does not get interred with the bones of those who heroically gave their lives for liberty and freedom?
“The Girl Who Wore Freedom,” a WWII documentary directed by Christian Taylor, and a really top-notch production crew of creative, talented, and dedicated artists, presents a new way to look into the good accomplished by the sacrifices made while showing the pathway for others to follow in order to achieve that great task. That approach is directly juxtaposed to those WWI and WWII accounts commemorating the death and destruction of those wars by recalling the explicit details of evil events during those wars.

Christian Taylor introducing “The Girl Who Wore Freedom” story trailer to members of the Illinois Young Marines as they meeting with WWII Battle of the Bulge veteran.
I was born in 1946. As a young child, I remember being afraid our small town would be bombed. Where I lived, people were building bomb shelters. My father was a WWII veteran. Most of the people I heard speaking about the war were as well. Somehow, maybe by just internalizing the tone of those conversations, I implicitly understood the slogan, “Peace at Any Price Is Not Peace,” and it certainly doesn’t produce freedom or liberty. “The Girl Who Wore Freedom,” brings that truth to new light through its’ emphasis on how deeply the French people of Normandy remember and celebrate their freedom from tyranny.
“The Girl Who Wore Freedom” is scheduled for it’s first focus group during next year’s 75th D-Day anniversary in Normandy, France. Christian introduces the documentary by describing it as a love story between the French people and their American liberators. Every year during the D-Day celebrations the French shower love and attention on the returning WWII veterans to express their appreciation for liberating the French people, their culture, and national heritage from becoming a permanently occupied German nation.
You’re invited to participate in the production of this documentary.
View the trailer here
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